Fernando Mark Torres

Welcome to my blog!!

Hi! Welcome to my blog. So long since i updated my blog, but going to do so soon! :)

Class Reunion for 6A' 07. more info


ok it is decided

The reunion is this fri. First we go back to hpps to visit our ex-teachers. After that, we will meet in the canteen to discuss some final details.

Venue: Orchard
Time: Lunch to bout 6+
Activities: We will discuss the place for lunch and after lunch we may want to watch a movie or something but we will let u all make the final decisions.

Things to bring: Nothing much, just money

I hope u all can turn up on fri, and if u got any ideas or opinions on the reunion, tag/sms/call/msn me or shirlyn.




This is for Sixaers'07.

Next friday, 23/01, we're having class reunion/outing.
We'll get to HPPS after our school whenever it ends and meet there.Probably going to Orchard after that for lunch, watch movie.

Bryan suggests sakae sushi buffet.
Tommy suggested the movie love matters.

Okay, you guys decide. Tag/sms/call/msn me or shirlyn, whatever.


back from malaysia

Hi all,

I forgot to post about my trip to Cameron Highlands in Malaysia, from 13-15oct. It was a trip for the councillors n yes, i am a councillor. So the first day, we spent about 12+ hours, including lunch, dinner and toilet breaks, to get from Singapore to Cameron Highlands. The ride there was super boring!

Second day: We went to a vegetable farm on the second day. There, we planted spring onions, cabbage n watercrest. the watercrest was the worst. we had to jump into a pool of mud, pull out the watercrest, clear the mud, n then put the watercrest back to its original position. We got ourselves all muddy n dirty doing that but it was fun:) After that we visited the 'BOH' tea farm n learnt the process in which tea leaves are created. we also visited strawberry farms n shopping districts.

last day: We spent the entire on the bus again so there was nothing much to tok bout.

thats the end of this post,

Mun Wai



i got this from the class blog:

[Hi all.

There will be a class party most probably on the 28th of october.The venue is at Sentosa. We'll be playing a lot of sports so do bring your beach balls, soccer balls, volleyballs, wadeva balls you wan bring. The agenda will be posted later.

We'll also be playing water related games so please dont wear white unless you giving a free show . If you have any water guns ( super soaker bla bla ) or water bombs (plastic bags) do bring there. Do know that we have unlimited water supply at the sea so dun worry. Btw you might wanna bring swim suit as u might wanna go for a dip in the sea and play waterpolo blah?

Oh yeah.For our food, it'll either be we bring food each and contribute or we can go do koufu and buy food.Btw if we going out class party please no shyness or wadeva pls. Just telling you it will look damn comedy when we playing with so much "gaps".

KK if you're lazy and probably dont understand the chunk above, here's a simple summary to save you some trouble.

DATE : 28 October
VENUE : Sentosa (tentative)
WHOS INVITED? : All 6Aers please no wierdos appearing
REQUIREMENTS : ACTIVE PARTICIPATION dont hum ji at the back and send ambassodors.
ATTIRE : no white/light coloured/skirts/dress or free show for everyone. Bring swimsuit and spare change of clothes too.If got queries or AOB(any other business) to sms or call me at 97466566/spam cbox/drop me an email/ spam me msn or anyother thing you like.Ya i know you curious to find out which asshole spammed the post part so i gonna sign off soon.

Jared ( im gonna get screwed)]

there is also a poll on the location of the reunion on the class blog so all 6aers pls check it out n vote!!!!!

Mun Wai


my results!!!!

Due to some criticism, i decided to post something not about Liverpool, but instead talk bout me! One day after the exams finish, the teachers already finished marking the exam scripts n returned it to us! i think i got 4a1s, 2a2s n 1b3. not bad rite? But my dad thought i could do better n hence not really happy with my results:( But at least my mum is satisfied.

From next mon to wed, i will be away in malaysia for a council retreat. U may ask wads a councillor, its like a student leader. N yes, im a 'student leader'. surprising? Anyway, im going to bunk with a sec 3.. so sian. Gotta go liao....

Hope got time to post again;)



League table so far

Liverpool's first match was heading for a draw but a specific guy scored the winning and gave a win to Liverpool. Who else could the guy be but Fernando Torres! In the stadium of Light against Sunderland, Torres unleashed a unstoppable shot from outside the penalty box to give all three points to the merseyside club.

Liverpool's second game was much more exciting. It was at home against the resilient Middlesbrough side. Liverpool have not lost at home to Middlesbrough since the 70s and it looks like Middlesbrough was about to break the curse when Mido scored from a long-range to give Middlesbrough the lead. It looked like Liverpool was going to lose but after a few seasons, you will realse u can never count Liverpool out intil they are out. Miracles happened again for Liverpool, in the 86th min, Jamie Carragher's shot deflected off Emanuel Pogetetz for Liverpool's equalizer. It looked like a point for both teams but it got worse for Middlesbrough. In the 93rd min, Xabi Alonso's cross fell to Steven Gerrard. The Liverpool captain did the rest of the job, scoring just outside the box. That moved the Merseyside club to the 2nd spot, losing to Chelsea by just goal difference.

Thats al for today:)


Liverpool's latest transfers

Liverpool has currently bought 5 players: Dossena, Cavalieri, N'gog, Keane and Degen.

I think that there will not b any transfers left. since the league will start next week, although benitez has admitted that the left side needed improvement since they sold riise and kewell, aurelio injured and babel at the olympics.

I also saw the complain from my fren that my blog is more like a news page than a blog. Hence now, i shall talk a bit on my life.

Last Friday, i went back to my primary school and played football with my frens. Jared said that he was not coming at first, but in the end i think his girlfriend changed his mind. Joking joking joking. Lets hope i have not offended jared. I saw a couple of ex-classmates but unfortunately "the face" could not make it. After awhile, my frens and i found out that most of the teachers were not in school and hence we left.

Thats all 4 2day:)


What a GOAL from El nińo !

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